(Having a winter-themed party after Christmas is a DEAL.) The Pixie Hollow Gamesįinally, it was time to begin the Pixie Hollow Games! The kids…er, fairies were divided into their talents and then told that even though they may not have noticed, when they entered our house, they were shrunk down to the size of a fairy–only 5 inches tall! The rest were 50% off clearance after Christmas. Some were left over from Lydia’s Snowflake Party when she was 2. The second craft was making scenes with winter-themed foam stickers. I have this super cool book with snowflake templates (found it at a toy store for 50% off after Christmas! Woot!) and was amazed at how much the kids enjoyed this! There were two simple crafts to choose from.

Once they picked their talent, they were ushered by the beautiful Frost Fairy, Lydia to our craft table. I made these necklaces out of my favorite medium: SHRINKY DINKS! The Disney Fairies website had some printable shrinky charms, so I printed out (and cut, that was the worst part) enough for every kid to be in a talent. (If this isn’t making much sense, you should probably brush up on your Never Fairy folklore.) They could be Frost Fairies, Animal Fairies, Storm Fairies or Light Fairies. The necklace would show them which talent group they were in. So, when they arrived, each child signed Lydia’s guest book and then picked a necklace from our talent box.

We knew we wanted to the kids to be fairies (or SparrowMen for the boys) at the party. And as usual, the party turned out even more fun than I hoped–even with 20 kids there!
#Disney secret of the wings fairies movie#
This was the setting for Lydia’s 7th birthday party! We totally loved the movie and a winter party for January is a shoe-in. There’s only one part of Neverland they never visit (until now, that is): the Winter Woods! The newest Tinkerbell movie, The Secret of the Wings is set in Neverland where the Never Fairies do what fairies do-change the seasons, help animals and paint flowers.